Studies examining how effort varies by gender, birth month, and parenting style

A first set of papers using the full data collected in the EFFORT project has been published over the last months. These papers analyze, respectively, how cognitive effort is associated with gender, birth month, and parenting styles:

Apascaritei, Paula, Jonas Radl & Madeline Swarr (2024): “Material incentives moderate gender differences in cognitive effort among children”, Learning and Individual Differences, Volume 114, 102494.

Radl, Jonas & Manuel T. Valdés (2024): “Month of Birth and Cognitive Effort: A Laboratory Study of the Relative Age Effect among Fifth Graders”, Social Forces, 101(1): 153–172.

Foley, William & Jonas Radl (2024): “Parenting practices and children’s cognitive effort: A laboratory study”, Journal of Early Adolescence, Published April 26, 2024.

More studies using our unique data are in the pipeline. Stay tuned!

Second edition of textbook “Estratificación Social” published

In 2013, together with my brilliant colleagues Miguel Requena and Leire Salazar, we wrote a textbook on social stratification in Spanish, aimed at undergrad students. On time for the new academic year 2024/25 the Second Edition of  “Estratificación Social” came out, published by McGraw Hill. This new edition features new original content, a more compact structure, and updated empirical material, mostly coming from original analyses using Eurostat data. We hope it will be a helpful learning resource for a new generation of students of social stratification!

Appointed as WZB Visiting Research Professor

I am very pleased to remain affiliated to WZB Berlin Social Science Center. After completing the EFFORT project and the end of the related research group, the WZB Academic Council unanimously approved the proposal to appoint me as Visiting Research Professor for the next 3 years. The professorship will keep carrying the name “Effort and Social Inequality” as its primary purpose is to complete the research agenda started with the ERC project. I am thrilled to continue being part of this amazing academic community.