Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Patricia Lorente, Veera Ruuskanen, Sebastiaan Mathôt, Antonio Crespo & Jonas Radl (2025): “No evidence for association between pupil size and intelligence among either children or adults”, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Published . [Link to Working Paper]
- Foley, William, Lea Kröger & Jonas Radl (2025): “Parental support and diversity in sibling personality”, Advances in Life Course Research. Article 100658,
- Apascaritei, Paula, Jonas Radl & Madeline Swarr (2024): “Material incentives moderate gender differences in cognitive effort among children”, Learning and Individual Differences, Volume 114, 102494. [Link to working paper]
- Foley, William & Jonas Radl (2024): “Parenting practices and children’s cognitive effort: A laboratory study”, Journal of Early Adolescence, Published April 26, 2024. [Link to working paper]
- Radl, Jonas & Manuel T. Valdés (2024): “Month of Birth and Cognitive Effort: A Laboratory Study of the Relative Age Effect among Fifth Graders”, Social Forces, 101(1): 153–172. [Link to working paper]
- Fernández, Juan J., Gema M. García Albacete, and Antonio M. Jaime Castillo & Jonas Radl (2023): “Priming or Learning? The Influence of Pension Policy Information on Individual Preferences in Germany, Spain and the United States”, Journal of European Social Policy. 33(3), 267-387. [Link to Working Paper]
- Fernández, Juan J., Gema M. García Albacete, and Antonio M. Jaime Castillo & Jonas Radl (2023): “Priming or Learning? The Influence of Pension Policy Information on Individual Preferences in Germany, Spain and the United States”, Journal of European Social Policy. 33(3), 267-387. [Link to Working Paper]
- Stadler, Gertraud, Marie Chesaniuk, Stephanie Haering, Julia Roseman, Vera Maren Straßburger, Martina Schraudner, Jonas Radl & Diversity Assessment Working Group (2023): “Diversified Innovations in the Health Sciences. Proposal for a Diversity Minimal Item Set (DiMIS)”. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 33(June 2023), 101072.
- Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth, Bram Lancee, Edvard Nergård Larsen, Javier G. Polavieja, Radl, Jonas and Ruta Yemane (2022): “Gender discrimination in hiring. Evidence from a cross-national harmonized field experiment”, European Sociological Review, 38(3), 337–354. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcab043. [Download]
- Radl, Jonas & Juan J. Fernández (2022): “Pension policy literacy and retirement expectations. A cross-country survey experiment.”, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 77(4), 739–749. [Download]
- Platt, Lucinda , Javier G. Polavieja & Jonas Radl (2022): “Which integration policies work? The heterogeneous impact of national institutions on immigrants’ labor market attainment in Europe”, International Migration Review, 56(2), 343–375. [Download]
- Radl, Jonas & Luis Miller (2021): “Conceptual and Methodological Considerations on Effort: An Interdisciplinary Approach”, American Behavioral Scientist, 65(11), 1447–1456. [Link to Working Paper]
- Apascaritei, Paula, Simona Demel & Jonas Radl (2021): “The Difference Between Saying and Doing: Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Effort Among Fifth Graders”, American Behavioral Scientist, 65(11), 1457–1479. [Link to Working Paper]
- Salazar, Leire, Héctor Cebolla-Boado & Jonas Radl (2020): “Educational Expectations in the Great Recession: Has the Impact of Family Background Become Stronger?”, Socio-Economic Review, 18(2): 465–491. [Download]
- Lössbroek, Jelle & Jonas Radl (2019): “Teaching older workers new tricks. Workplace practices and gender training differences in nine European countries”, Ageing & Society, 39(10): 2170-2193. . [Download]
- Henkens, Kène; Harry van Dalen; David Ekerdt; Douglas Hershey; Martin Hyde; Jonas Radl; Hanna van Solinge; Mo Wang; Hannes Zacher (2018): “What We Need to Know about Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade”. The Gerontologist, 58(5): 805–812. [Download]
- Heisig, Jan Paul, Bram Lancee & Jonas Radl (2018): “Ethnic Inequality in Retirement Income: A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant-Native Gaps in Western Europe”, Ageing & Society, 38(10): 1963-1994. doi: [Download] (Friends of the WZB Award)
- Fernández-Reino, Mariña, Jonas Radl & María Ramos (2018): “Employment Outcomes of Ethnic Minorities in Spain: Towards Increasing Economic Incorporation among Immigrants and the Second Generation?”, Social Inclusion, 6(3): 48–63 [open access]. [Download]
- Heisig, Jan Paul & Jonas Radl (2017): “Adding Scars to Wrinkles? Long-run Effects of Late-Career Job Loss on Retirement Behavior and Personal Income”, Work, Aging & Retirement, 3(3): 257–272.
- Radl, Jonas, Leire Salazar & Héctor Cebolla-Boado (2017): “Does Living in a Fatherless Household Compromise Educational Success? A Comparative Study of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills”, European Journal of Population, 33(2): 217-242 [Open Access], doi: 10.1007/s10680-017-9414-8.
- Cebolla-Boado, Héctor, Jonas Radl & Leire Salazar (2017): “Preschool Education as the Great Equalizer? A Cross-Country Study into the Sources of Inequality in Reading Competence”, Acta Sociologica, 60(1): 41–60.
- Ebbinghaus, Bernhard & Jonas Radl (2015): “Pushed Out Prematurely? Comparing Objectively Forced Exits and Subjective Assessments of Involuntary Retirement across Europe”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 41(September): 115–130, doi:10.1016/j.rssm.2015.04.001.
- Radl, Jonas & Ralf K. Himmelreicher (2015): “The Influence of Marital Status and Spousal Employment on Retirement Behavior in Germany and Spain”, Research on Aging, 37(4): 361–387. doi:10.1177/0164027514536403.
- Lancee, Bram & Jonas Radl (2014): “Volunteering over the Life Course”, Social Forces, 93(2): 833–862, doi:10.1093/sf/sou090. Download pdf.
- Bernardi, Fabrizio & Jonas Radl (2014): “The Long-Term Consequences of Parental Divorce for Children’s Educational Attainment”. Demographic Research, 30(Article 61): 1653–1680. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.61.
- Gerber, Theodore P. & Jonas Radl (2014): “Pushed, Pulled, or Blocked? The Elderly and the Labor Market in Post-Soviet Russia”. Social Science Research, 45(May): 152–169. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.12.006.
- Radl, Jonas (2013): “Labour Market Exit and Social Stratification in Western Europe: The Effects of Social Class and Gender on the Timing of Retirement”. European Sociological Review, 29(3): 654–668. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcs045.
- Radl, Jonas (2013): “Why do women in Spain retire later than men?” [“¿Por qué las mujeres en España se jubilan más tarde que los hombres?”]. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 142: 109–122. doi:10.5477/cis/reis.142.133.
- Radl, Jonas (2012): “Too Old to Work, or Too Young to Retire? The Pervasiveness of Age Norms in Western Europe”. Work, Employment & Society, 26(5): 755–771, doi: 10.1177/0950017012451644.
- Lancee, Bram & Jonas Radl (2012): “Social Connectedness and the Transition from Work to Retirement”. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 67(4), 481–490. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbs049 . download pdf
- Albertini, Marco & Jonas Radl (2012): “Intergenerational Transfers and Social Class: Inter-vivos Transfers as Means of Status Reproduction?”. Acta Sociologica, 55(2), 107–123. doi:10.1177/0001699311431596. download draft version
- Radl, Jonas (2007): “Individuelle Determinanten des Renteneintrittsalters – Eine empirische Analyse von Übergängen in den Ruhestand”, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 36(1), 43–64. download pdf
Other Journal Articles
- Cebolla-Boado, Héctor, Jonas Radl & Leire Salazar (2016): “Educational Disadvantage in a Changing Economic Context”, Annuario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 20, 277-303.
- Radl, Jonas (2010): “Salida del mercado de trabajo y estratificación social. Los determinantes de la edad de jubilación en España”. Panorama Social, 11, 163–180. download pdf
- Radl, Jonas (2007): “Individuelle Determinanten des Renteneintrittsalters”, Wirtschaft und Statistik, 5/2007, 511–520. download pdf
- Radl, Jonas (2006): “Pfade in den Ruhestand und die Heterogenität des Renteneintrittsalters – Eine Analyse auf Datenbasis des Scientific Use Files Versichertenrentenzugang 2004 des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Rentenversicherung”,Deutsche Rentenversicherung, 9-10/2006, 641–660. download pdf
- Requena, Miguel, Leire Salazar & Jonas Radl (2024): Estratificación social. Segunda edición. Madrid: McGraw-Hill [Textbook on social stratification in Spanish, second edition].
- Cebolla-Boado, Héctor, Jonas Radl & Leire Salazar (2014): Aprendizaje y ciclo vital: La desigualdad de oportunidades desde la educación preescolar hasta la edad adulta. Colección de Estudios Sociales, Núm. 39. Obra Social ”la Caixa”: Barcelona. [“la Caixa” Prize in Social Sciences]. Also available in English (Learning over the Life Course: Inequality of Opportunities in Education from Preschool to Adulthood) and Catalan (Aprenentatge i cicle vital. La desigualtat d’oportunitats des de la llar d’infants fins a l’edat adulta).
- Radl, Jonas (2013): Retirement Timing and Social Stratification: A Comparative Study of Labour Market Exit and Age Norms in Western Europe. London: Versita (De Gruyter Open).
- Requena, Miguel, Leire Salazar & Jonas Radl (2013): Estratificación social. Madrid: McGraw-Hill [Textbook on social stratification in Spanish].
- Radl, Jonas (2008): Die Sozialstruktur des Renteneintritts: Eine empirische Analyse des Übergangs in den Ruhestand zwischen Frühverrentung und Regelaltersrente. Saarbrücken: VDM.
Book Chapters
- Kröger, Lea, Alberto Palacios-Abad & Jonas Radl (2024): “Non-cognitive Skills and Intergenerational Inequality: Reviewing the Power of Personality”. In: Jil Blanden, Jani Erola, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Lindsey Macmillan (Eds.). Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 377-391.
- Duvvury, Nata, Jonas Radl J, E.K. Sarter, Simona Scherger & Jeroen Spijker (2020): “Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A Conceptual Framework”. In: Leime, Jim Ogg, , Debra Street, Clary Krekula, & Ignacio Madero-Cabib (Eds.). Extended Working Life Policies. International Gender and Health Perspectives. Cham: Springer Open, 69-83.
- Radl, Jonas & María Sánchez-Dominguez (2017): “La jubilación en España. ¿Hacía el envejecimiento activo con pensiones insuficientes?”, Informe España 2017. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 119-167.
- Hofäcker, Dirk & Jonas Radl (2016): “Retirement Transitions in Times of Institutional Change: Theoretical Concept”. In: Dirk Hofäcker, Moritz Hess & Stefanie König (eds.): Delaying Retirement: Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1–21.
- Chuliá, Elisa, Luis Garrido & Jonas Radl (2016): “Ebb and Flow of Early Retirement: Pension Reform and Labour Market Participation of Older Workers in Spain”. In: Dirk Hofäcker, Moritz Hess & Stefanie König (eds.): Delaying Retirement: Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 123–146.
- Radl, Jonas & Theodore P. Gerber (2015): “Work Beyond Pension Age in Russia: Labor Market Dynamics and Job Stability in a Turbulent Economy”. In: Scherger, Simone (ed.): Paid Work Beyond Pension Age: Comparative Perspectives, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 129–150.
- Radl, Jonas & Fabrizio Bernardi (2011): “Pathways into Retirement and Old-Age Inequality in Spain”. In: Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Sandra Buchholz & Karin Kurz (eds.): Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 121–147.
- Requena, Miguel, Jonas Radl & Leire Salazar (2011): “Estratificación y Clases Sociales”. In: Fundación Encuentro (ed.): Informe España 2011: una interpretación de su realidad social. Fundación Encuentro: Madrid, 301–366. download pdf.
- Radl, Jonas (2008): “Zwischen Frühverrentung und Regelaltersrente: Die Sozialstruktur des Rentenzugangs”. In: Karl Siegbert Rehberg (eds.): Die Natur der Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel. CD-ROM. Opladen: Campus, 5022–5036. download pdf
- Radl, Jonas (2007): “Die Deinstitutionalisierung der Frühverrentung: Wie wir das Erwerbsleben verlängern können”. In: Max Höfer & Dieter Rath (eds.): Deutschlands wahre Superstars: 50 Entwürfe junger Wissenschaftler für die Welt von morgen. Königswinter: HEEL, 100–103.
- Radl, Jonas (2006): “Demografie und Altersgrenzen – Zur Stichprobenstruktur des Scientific Use File Versichertenzugang 2004”. In: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (eds.): Erfahrungen und Perspektiven – Bericht vom dritten Workshop des FDZ-RV. DRV-Schriften, Band 55. Berlin, 158–169.
Himmelreicher, Ralf & Jonas Radl (2005): “Zusammenfassung und Ausblick auf die weitere Entwicklung des FDZ-RV”. In: Deutsche Rentenversicherung (ed.): Forschungsrelevante Daten der Rentenversicherung. Bericht vom zweiten Workshop des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV) vom 27. bis 29. Juni 2005 in Würzburg, DRV-Schriften Band 55, Berlin, 281–286.
Other Publications
- Radl, Jonas (2024), “Antrieb, Anreiz, Anerkennung. Was Schülerinnen und Schüler zu Leistung anstachelt”, WZB-Mitteilungen, 185, 10-12.
- Lorente, Patricia, Enrique Alonso-Perez & Jonas Radl (2024) Diversity Minimal Item Set Spain. Diversity Assessment Research Group.
- Radl, Jonas, Shaheen Motala-Timol, and the GYA Women in Science Working Group (2022), “Barriers to diversity among young scientists around the globe: Examining discrimination and harassment at the workplace“, In: Global Young Academy (Ed.). GYA Connections, Issue 10. Halle (Saale), Germany: Global Young Academy at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, 20-25.
- Radl, Jonas (2020), “Wer ist wann zu alt zum Arbeiten? Über den Beginn des Ruhestands bestimmen auch gesellschaftliche Normen”, WZB-Mitteilungen, 170, 36-38.
- Heisig, Jan Paul & Jonas Radl (2019): “Einmal raus, für immer gezeichnet? Wie sich Arbeitsplatzverluste auf die finanzielle Lage älterer Beschäftigter auswirken“, WZBrief Arbeit 22 | August 2019.
- Radl, Jonas (2019): “Die Auslese der Besten schafft keine Chancengleichheit”, in touch: Forschung und Gesellschaft, WZB Mitteilungen Nr. 163, Berlin: WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
- Lössbroek, Jelle, Jonas Radl & Izabela Warwas (2018): “Age Management: Workplace practices promoting older workers’ employability”, GenderEWL Policy Document 1, Galway: NUI Galway.
- Duvvury, Nata, Jonas Radl, Katharina Sarter, Simone Scherger & Jeoren Spijker (2016): “Understanding Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A proposal for a conceptual framework”. Working Paper. COST Action IS1409.
- Cebolla-Boado, Héctor, Radl, Jonas & Leire Salazar (2013). “Educational disadvantage in a changing economic context”. Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones, Working paper 2013/278. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales.
- Radl, Jonas (2007): “Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Sandra Buchholz, and Dirk Hofäcker (eds.), Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society. Abingdon: Routledge, 2006, 383 pp” (Book Review), Sociologica, 1, 3/2007. download pdf
Dissemination/in the media
- Stern: Experiment zeigt: In “Frauenberufen” haben Männer schlechtere Bewerbungschancen, 12 November 2021
- MDR: Junge Männer werden bei Bewerbung auf Frauenberufe diskriminiert, 4 November 2021
- Die Welt: Bei Jobverlust mit Anfang 50 droht die 81.000-Euro-Lücke, 24 August 2019.
- La Vanguardia: Los Reyes se reúnen con los 20 científicos españoles de más éxito en El Pardo, 21 March 2019
- Piedras de Papel: ¿A qué edad somos demasiado mayores para trabajar?, 25 September 2018.
- Radio Nacional Radio 1: Las Mañanas de Radio Nacional. #SOCIEDAD. EL FUTURO PINTA DIFICIL PARA LOS JUBILADOS EN ESPAÑA. 12 December 2017.
- La Noche Europea de los Investigadores de Madrid 2017. 29 Septiember 2017.
- Cadena SER Madrid Sur. “La UC3M recibe casi 3 millones del Consejo Europeo de Investigación”. 15 September 2017.
- La prensa de Honduras: “La educación a temprana edad previene el fracaso escolar”. 3 November 2015.
- Politikon: “Buenas y malas noticias sobre la educación infantil”. 21 October 2015.
- Centro Virtual sobre el Envejecimiento: “El voluntariado a lo largo de la vida”. September 2015.
- El Mundo: “La educación preescolar obligatoria reduciría la desigualdad social”. 4 December 2014.
- ABC: “La clave para evitar el fracaso escolar está en preescolar y no en Secundaria”. 4 December 2014.
- European Commission (2014): “Solomonic Choice: Parental Separation, Child Well-being and Family Policies in Europe”. European Policy Brief. March 2014.
- Bernardi, Fabrizio & Jonas Radl (2014): The consequences of parental divorce for children’s university degree attainment. – populazione, societá e politiche. Pubblicato il 02/07/2014.
- DivulgaUNED: “En Rusia, la mayoría de las personas de 60 años cobra una pensión de jubilación”. Interview. 18 June 2014.
- 20minutos: “¿Por qué las españolas se jubilan más tarde que los hombres?”. 20minutos print and 1 July 2013.
- CincoDías: “La edad de jubilación debe subir por encima de los 67 años, según AFI”. 28 July 2010.
- Geld Idee: “Lebenslang weniger Rente”. June 2008.
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