

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

    • Stadler, Gertraud, Marie Chesaniuk, Stephanie Haering, Julia Roseman, Vera Maren Straßburger, Martina Schraudner, Jonas Radl & Diversity Assessment Working Group (2023): “Diversified Innovations in the Health Sciences. Proposal for a Diversity Minimal Item Set (DiMIS)”. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 33(June 2023), 101072.
    • Lössbroek, Jelle & Jonas Radl (2019): “Teaching older workers new tricks. Workplace practices and gender training differences in nine European countries”, Ageing & Society, 39(10): 2170-2193. . [Download]
    • Henkens, Kène; Harry van Dalen; David Ekerdt; Douglas Hershey; Martin Hyde; Jonas Radl; Hanna van Solinge; Mo Wang; Hannes Zacher (2018): “What We Need to Know about Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade”. The Gerontologist, 58(5): 805–812. [Download] 
    • Fernández-Reino, Mariña, Jonas Radl & María Ramos (2018): “Employment Outcomes of Ethnic Minorities in Spain: Towards Increasing Economic Incorporation among Immigrants and the Second Generation?”, Social Inclusion, 6(3): 48–63 [open access]. [Download]
    • Heisig, Jan Paul & Jonas Radl (2017): “Adding Scars to Wrinkles? Long-run Effects of Late-Career Job Loss on Retirement Behavior and Personal Income”, Work, Aging & Retirement, 3(3): 257–272.
    • Radl, Jonas & Ralf K. Himmelreicher (2015): “The Influence of Marital Status and Spousal Employment on Retirement Behavior in Germany and Spain”, Research on Aging, 37(4): 361–387.  doi:10.1177/0164027514536403.
    • Bernardi, Fabrizio & Jonas Radl (2014): “The Long-Term Consequences of Parental Divorce for Children’s Educational Attainment”. Demographic Research, 30(Article 61): 1653–1680. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.61.
    • Gerber, Theodore P. & Jonas Radl (2014): “Pushed, Pulled, or Blocked? The Elderly and the Labor Market in Post-Soviet Russia”. Social Science Research, 45(May): 152–169. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.12.006.
    • Radl, Jonas (2013): “Labour Market Exit and Social Stratification in Western Europe: The Effects of Social Class and Gender on the Timing of Retirement”. European Sociological Review, 29(3): 654–668doi: 10.1093/esr/jcs045.
    • Radl, Jonas (2013): “Why do women in Spain retire later than men?” [“¿Por qué las mujeres en España se jubilan más tarde que los hombres?”]. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 142: 109–122. doi:10.5477/cis/reis.142.133.
    • Radl, Jonas (2012): “Too Old to Work, or Too Young to Retire? The Pervasiveness of Age Norms in Western Europe”. Work, Employment & Society, 26(5): 755–771, doi: 10.1177/0950017012451644.
    • Radl, Jonas (2007): “Individuelle Determinanten des Renteneintrittsalters – Eine empirische Analyse von Übergängen in den Ruhestand”, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 36(1), 43–64. download pdf


Other Journal Articles

  • Radl, Jonas (2010): “Salida del mercado de trabajo y estratificación social. Los determinantes de la edad de jubilación en España”. Panorama Social, 11, 163–180. download pdf
  • Radl, Jonas (2006): “Pfade in den Ruhestand und die Heterogenität des Renteneintrittsalters – Eine Analyse auf Datenbasis des Scientific Use Files Versichertenrentenzugang 2004 des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Rentenversicherung”,Deutsche Rentenversicherung, 9-10/2006, 641–660. download pdf



Book Chapters

  • Radl, Jonas (2008): “Zwischen Frühverrentung und Regelaltersrente: Die Sozialstruktur des Rentenzugangs”. In: Karl Siegbert Rehberg (eds.): Die Natur der Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel. CD-ROM. Opladen: Campus, 5022–5036. download pdf


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